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managing the refugee crisis

passion project






There is a lot of white noise around the refugee crisis, and people are not really sure if the information is trustworthy or how can they really make an impact on the situation.





One of the keys to the solution of the problem is making it look manageable. More effective messaging would emphasize the manageability of situation, showing that the system, and the policy, is working, and thus the crisis is manageable 












Any kind of other charity or related news platform distract the attention from the issue.

There’s been a sharp decline in the number of refugees who have entered the U.S. in fiscal year 2018 compared with prior years, the smallest total since Congress created the current refugee program in 1980.

On the one hand, it was considered that the notion of a ‘refugee crisis’ has been employed to mobilize public support and funding. On the other, it was emphasized that this message may have exacerbated public perceptions that issues surrounding refugees and migrants are of a huge magnitude beyond control.

I know that Americans are one of the most generous nations in the world - maybe even the most one. But the current administration doesn't really... encourage them to make impact on the refugee issue. In fact, it tries to bring their efforts away from it. So I thought we need to create a balance.




Of course we would prefer to target everyone everywhere - but that is not possible. So we will try to reach those, who are not perceived as a primary goal in many cases. Our target is politically neutral Generation X (30 - 58 years old).

They are aware about the refugee crisis worldwide, but they’re not taking a stand about which side they’re at. They’re comfortable in their social cycle, the news has an emotional impact on them but not
enough to drive them to act. They’re apathetic in regards to the matter., but would act if they knew where to look for guidance.


what human truth stands behind this?


People don't trust charities, because they don't see the impact 

People can be lazy, so they don't do something if that's too complicated

"I would like to help, but I don't know how"


"I want to help of I know I save life, not just feed lazy people"

"It's hard to imagine how their life is different from ours"


"I want to be in control"


"I never thought that some ordinary things make such a difference"


"I don't trust charities if I don't know where my money go"









  • Lack of trust

  • Noise

  • Disorganization

People are more likely to help refugees if that means preventing loss, not gaining profit for the receiver.


A charity that helps making refugees life ordinary throughout real-time donation network






new charity

Hands for Holding

Most of you might have heard of (Red) that was created by Bono and Bobby Shriver in 2006 to engage millions of people in the fight to end AIDS in Africa.


We looked around and realized, that a lot of new challenges have risen since 2006, but there is no proper solution to address them. 

That's how Hands for Holding appeared. 



This foundation is using software that is able to gather and structure live information from any participating charity and translate it into digital banners, indicating the needs for goods in certain locations, using geolocation and context.

promotional campaign for 

Hands For Holding

Mall in-store advertising on the screens showing current needs

Banners on the websites of our partners showing the items that are needed today. Micro-targeted messages that are tied to your cart.

Phase 2 - adding "thank you" messages updated live from HfH twitter bot, connected to online partners' platforms. 





Conversion: Donations, sign-ups 

Lead generation: HfH page traffic

Earned media: mentioned on social media and news feeds.  


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